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Analysis of the State Security’s Investigation

The transcript of the State Security investigation shows that the agency  knew about the ammonium nitrate in late 2019, but only corresponded with the Public Prosecution by the end of May 2020, five months later.

In reporting the events, Major Joseph Naddaf says that Rhosus, coming from Moldova, was transporting two trucks, and while offloading them the ship’s hatch covers buckled under the weight, preventing it from sailing afterward. Whereas, accurate information indicates that the trucks were loaded in Lebanon and they weren’t onboard.

The name of the company according to the transcript is “Safari Limited”, while the actual name is “Savaro Limited”.

Naddaf says that the judge of urgent matters was Nadim Zouein, while the judge pursuing the case was in fact Jad Maalouf.

The trial transcript was concluded without hearing the Management and Investment of the Port of Beirut – which according to Al-Mawla, has the authority over Hangar 12. The report doesn’t either highlight the danger of these materials or describe how it was stored. The transcript doesn’t also mention that the State Security examined the materials and entered the warehouse to check on the storage condition and the actual quantity, and hence, the investigator didn’t also know about the presence of fireworks in the warehouse, which was a major reason behind the blast, which eventually prevented revealing whether someone stole quantities from the explosive material.

Naddaf stated that one of his expert sources confirmed the hazardous nature of the material and how it would lead to a huge explosion in case of a fire, and how the explosion consequences could be devastating, however, that didn’t prompt the concerned body to make a full investigation whether the Hangar was the right place to store the cargo.

The trial transcript’s attachments, provided by the investigator, didn’t mention any report explaining the danger of the material. Instead, it was limited to the judicial decision, some pictures of the warehouse’s door, and the hole in the Hangar’s wall.

The investigation had also failed to address the reasons for the hole and the responsibilities resulting from keeping it unfixed.

The investigation generally doesn’t warn about the cargo inside the port of Beirut as much as it warned about the hole, and how it may allow others to steal the dangerous materials and that it could catch fire.

It is noteworthy to mention that instead of putting the investigation back on track, the general director of State Security, Tony Saliba, sent a summary to the Lebanese president, prime minister, and the Supreme Defense Council, stating the errors mentioned in the investigation, entitling his report “A ship loaded with ammonium nitrate anchored at the port of Beirut” which indicates that he didn’t thoroughly read the investigation because the ship was unloaded six years ago.
